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March, 2015

  • 13 March

    [Review] Ceylon Tea Moments

    We stopped over for breakfast, just past 8 am on a busy Saturday morning – needing to catch up on some office work on the computer and kill a bit of time between the kids varied schedules. We were pleasantly surprised to find them open at this time of morning …

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  • 11 March

    1000 Things To Do

    Madhu Church, Mannar Island & Much More… Mannar Island is a beautiful peninsula with lots of palm trees, fishing boats, wild donkeys, migrant birds and famous baobab tree. As you can see it is jutting out into the Palk Straight just under 30 kms from our neighbor India. The island was …

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  • 10 March


    The Under 19 Schools cricket season for 2014/2015 got off in early September with third term fixtures and there will be a one month break for Christmas in December. The first term matches are expected to commence by early January’2015 provided there won’t be any interruptions with the country’s Presidential …

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December, 2014

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